Società Italiana per la Storia Medievale

A new section of Reti Medievali: RM Open Archive

RM Open Archive is an Open Access scholarly repository, which covers the whole range of medieval studies: social, economic, political and institutional history, as well as cultural, religious and gender representations and practices.
RM Open Archive is open to contributions from all scholars who want to maximize the net benefits for scientific distribution and access: scholarly publications from all historical disciplines (archaeology, philology, palaeography, diplomatics, fine arts, geography, philosophy, literature etc.), including historical methodology and didactics, are welcomed.

Following the principles of Open Access Initiative, RM Open Archive updates and substitutes the former RM Library section, which was launched in the first months of 2000, and aims to create a digital library about the Middle Age, integrated in the world net of Open Access repositories.

RM Open Archive distributes published contributions in digital form, specifying where they were originally published.

RM Open Archive was realised in the frame of the PRIN 2010-2011 project Concepts, Practices and Institutions of a Discipline: Italian Medieval Studies in 19th and 20th Centuries, coordinated by Prof. Roberto Delle Donne at “Federico II” University of Naples.

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