Società Italiana per la Storia Medievale

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In questa pagina si presentano i prodotti del progetto Ruling in hard times: pubblicazioni, database, etc.

Database Languages and Agents of Carolingian Power in Italy

Il progetto prevede la creazione del database online in open access Languages and Agents of Carolingian Power in Italy (LACPI), attualmente in fase di implementazione.

Articoli e contributi

Fra impero e società locale. Milano e le terre di Sant’Ambrogio nell’alto medioevo.

“Reti Medievali. Rivista”, V. 22, N. 1. Interventi a tema (sezione monografica).

Fra impero e società locale. Milano e le terre di Sant’Ambrogio nell’alto medioevo: sono qui raccolti gli interventi, successivamente rielaborati e modificati, presentati al seminario di studi “Alta urbs et spatiosa manet in Italia”. Milano nell’alto medioevo fra impero e società locale, organizzato da Gianmarco De Angelis il 25 novembre 2019 presso l’Università di Padova per discutere il volume di Ross Balzaretti Lands of Saint Ambrose. Monks and Society in Early Medieval Milan, Turnhout, Brepols, 2019.

Gian Marco Deangelis, Fra impero e società locale. Milano e le terre di Sant’Ambrogio nell’alto Medioevo.

Igor Santos Salazar, Milano, materialità e scrittura per una “civitas” altomedievale

Anna Rapetti, Il monastero di Sant’Ambrogio tra ambizioni di crescita e strategie di protezione.

Giuseppe Albertoni, Lo strano caso del ‘killer’ Magnefredo: uomini e terre del monastero di Sant’Ambrogio in Valtellina nel secolo IX tra micro e macrostoria

Gian Marco Deangelis, Milano altomedievale e gli ‘esperimenti di verità’ di Ross Balzaretti

Ross Balzaretti, Re reading The Lands of Saint Ambrose

Libri e atti di convegni

Gli atti dei convegni organizzati dalle quattro unità del nostro progetto saranno pubblicati in open access e in lingua inglese nella collana Ruling in hard times. Patterns of power and practices of government in the Making of Carolingian Italy presso Reti Medievali – Firenze University Press. Saranno pubblicati cinque volumi, tutti in open access.

Volumi già pubblicati:

Networks of bishops, networks of texts. Manuscripts, legal cultures, tools of government in Carolingian Italy at the time of Lothar I, edited by Gianmarco De Angelis e Francesco Veronese, Firenze, FUP, 2022.

This volume is the first one in a collection connected to the PRIN project on Ruling in hard times. Patterns of Power and practices of government in the making of Carolingian Italy. Its focus lays on bishops and their networks of relationships in late-8th and 9th-century Italy. The episcopal contribution to the inclusion of the Lombard kingdom in the Carolingian social and political landscape is especially analyzed from the perspective of the cultural exchanges (of ideas, texts, and manuscripts) that bishops created or used to carry out their public and pastoral duties. Each paper focuses on a specific episcopal figure or area, reconstructing the scope and extent of the relationships of which they were the pivot. The aim is to provide as comprehensive a picture as possible of the cultural networks that crossed Carolingian Italy and the ways in which bishops shaped and made use of them.

Between Ostrogothic and Carolingian Italy, Survivals, revivals, ruptures, edited by Frabrizio Oppedisano, Firenze, FUP, 2023.

The victory of Justinian, achieved after a lacerating war, put an end to the ambitious project conceived and implemented by Theoderic after his arrival in Italy: that of a new society in which peoples divided by centuries-old cultural barriers would live together in peace and justice, without renouncing their own traditions but respecting shared principles inspired by the values of civilitas. What did this great experiment leave to Europe and Italy in the centuries to come? What were the survivals and the ruptures, what were the revivals of that world in early medieval society? How did that past continue to be recounted and how did it interact with the present, especially in the decisive moment of the Frankish conquest of Italy? This book aims to confront these questions, and it does so by exploring different themes, concerning politics and ideology, culture and literary tradition, law, epigraphy and archaeology.